HYPRSKN / Products

Innovative Products, Patents, And Solutions For All

HYPRSKN is bridging the gap between biology and technology with a diverse range of innovative products and technologies aimed at revolutionizing skin.


Invelanin is an intradermal encapsulated nanoparticle specifically designed to act as ‘invisible melanin.’

Through a one-time, minimally-invasive application, this advanced formulation will help absorb and neutralize UV rays, preventing them from penetrating the skin’s most sensitive layers.

Unlike traditional sunscreens that require frequent reapplication, Invelanin will provide intradermal protection, minimizing the need for continuous product application.

By harnessing the power of Invelanin, individuals will be able to enjoy the sun without compromising their skin's health.


Not your ordinary sunblock—Eclipse will create a shield on your skin that lasts for days, providing unrivaled protection from the sun's damaging effects.

This innovative technology not only will defend against harmful UV rays but also will help reduce the risk of skin cancer and prevent premature aging caused by prolonged sun exposure.

No longer do you need to worry about frequent reapplication or the limitations of traditional sunscreens.

Enjoy prolonged, uninterrupted sun protection that will last for days, allowing you to focus on enjoying your outdoor activities without compromising your skin's health.

Magic Mark

Magic Mark represents a breakthrough in the field of cancer care, offering a patient-centered approach to radiation therapy markers.

This innovative solution empowers patients by enabling them to deactivate the mark during periods when they are not undergoing treatment.

This allows patients to choose to make the mark visible only during radiology sessions, eliminating the emotional reminder of the trauma associated with cancer treatment and promoting emotional healing and a sense of control over their own bodies.

Magic Ink

Combining nanotechnology, micro-encapsulation, and state-of-the-art scientific advancements, HYPRSKN is proud to introduce Magic Ink—the world's first on-demand rewritable, erasable, and reprogrammable tattoo ink.

Utilizing photochromic UV particles that respond to specific light wavelengths, Magic Ink allows people, for the first time ever, to easily transform their tattoos any time. Instantly.

The first major tattoo advancement in a millennia, Magic Ink is about to revolutionize the way the world thinks about body art.

Magic Pen

Imagine having the ability to transform your tattoos at will, adapting them to suit your mood, style, or even special occasions.

With the power to activate and deactivate photochromic tattoo pigment, Magic Pen empowers users to write, draw, erase, and reprogram their tattoos with ease.

This advanced technology transcends the limitations of traditional tattoos, opening the door to infinite possibilities in design variations and personalized expressions of art on the skin.


Protect your Magic Tattoo, any tattoo, and your sensitive skin with a skincare product that is set to change the way we care for our skin.

Developed over nearly a decade by renowned tattoo luxury brand Bang Bang, Forever+Care combines the expertise of tattoo aftercare with the meticulous formulations of skincare professionals and dermatologists to provide exceptional health and rejuvenation for all skin types.

Whether you have sensitive, dry, oily, or combination skin, Forever+Care delivers the perfect balance of hydration, protection, and nourishment, helping you achieve and maintain healthy, radiant skin.